Sandy’s designer shoes (Juttis) for women are made with genuine leather and are made to last for a long time. These Indian ballet style shoes can be worn as party wear for inside use or causal wear for outside and travel use too. Though, of course, wearing these trendy fashion flats on outside surfaces means that you will get some additional wear on the soles and can get small pebbles, gravel or mud stuck to the sole and if not taken care of it will reduce the life of your handcrafted shoes. Here are some simple tips to minimize this kind of wear on your Juttis or Mojaris if worn outside often. You can do two simple things. First, always get into habit, even if it’s dry outside, of wiping off the bottom of your Indian Shoes in US whenever stepping indoors, for example on a the doormat at home or at the office Then it is also good idea that when you get home, to wipe or brush the bottom of these sandals to brush of any embedded or attached gravel, mud etc. And if you us...